AI by Dr. Sandip Kar, Chairman IIMS
1. AI is the most popular news everywhere in recent times. It is almost an intrigal part of our daily life. Right from agriculture to space technology.
2. AI plays a significant role in every field. Sometimes the effect of AI is invisible. Nokia mention in their study the future five most significant AI use cases on the horizon.
That is, i. Self driving labs
ii. High effective decision support algorithm
iii. Pharmaceutical discovery
iv. Personalized education
v. Autonomous creation and design
3. From Agriculture to Space technology, everywhere AI is involved. Sometimes the environment is also invisible and sometimes the effect of AI is invisible too. Let’s see what is AI?
4. In the year 1950’s the British Mathematician Alan Turing explored the mathematical possibility of Artificial Intelligence and proposed that a computer can be said to possess Artificial Intelligence if it can mimic human responses under specific conditions.
5. University of Illinois Chicago says , Artificial Intelligence (AI) works by simulating human intelligence through the use of algorithms, data, and computational power. The goal is to enable machines or software to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, the terminology Artificial Intelligence consist of Artificial and Intelligence. Now, Let us discuss about Intelligence.
6. Stanford University says,” Intelligence might be defined as the ability to learn and perform suitable techniques to solve problems and achieve goals, appropriate to the context in an uncertain, ever-varying world.
7. The National Air and Space Intel center USA states that, “The intelligence cycle is a process of collecting information and developing it into intelligence for use by Intelligence Community’s customers.”
8. I conducted a small study on the said area, of course it is completely my personal opinion .Like we may define intelligence by 4A’s”, i.e. of Adoption, Analysis, Assessment and Advice. Therefore, Intelligence may be defined as a process for adaptation, analysis, assessment of information and advice for further action.
9. We may divide intelligence into two segments. Genetical intelligence - like human, animals, birds, microbes and plants and Non genetical intelligence - like atomic intelligence, mechanical intelligence technological intelligence, nature’s intelligence and more. In fact the atomic intelligence or intelligence in mass is much older than human intelligence.
10. Universe was created almost 13.8 billion years ago whereas human presence on earth is much younger. According to the centre of Astrophysics Harvard University, matter and energy created the entire universe.
11. Intelligence in matter is the non random behavior of the particles. Alternatively atomic intelligence is defined as inversely proportional to the entropy of a system.
12. The study reveals that the intelligence is a process and the process is always true based on reality. Hence the terminology artificial in case of intelligence is debatable. We may replace the terminology Artificial Intelligence by Power Numeric Intelligence.